Archive for the ‘Music’ category

Rainy Saturday

October 3, 2009

Well, jaceface is off to Greece for a week and it’s gross outside and there’s a pile of dishes in the sink that need to be cleaned. Wouldn’t you rather be here, instead?:

That sort of place shouldn’t even exist. In any case, enjoy a playlist while you avoid the rain.


April 29, 2009

I posted too soon! Two more songs…

Shot in the Back of the Head – Moby

Remember Moby? Of course you do, he never really went away. But he just released this single, and David Lynch directed the music video..

And I just found this song by a guy named Blake Miller:

Tomorrow Sorrow – Blake Miller

He’s only 22.  I’m only 22. I have this blog. He has this music career.

For Your Ears

April 29, 2009

Need something to listen to? Ch-ch-check it.

‘Strictly Game’ – Harlem Shakes

‘Jerk It’ – Thunderheist

‘Lalita’ – The Love Language

‘If I Had A Heart’ – Fever Ray

‘If I Had A Heart (Fuck Buttons Remix)’ – Fever Ray

p.s. I don’t usually ever use the adjective ‘fierce’ unless I’m talking about a tiger I saw at the zoo, but Fever Ray (aka Karin Dreijer Andersson, one half of ‘The Knife’) is effing fierce:

Need something to listen to?

April 15, 2009

Don’t worry, readers! We have not forgotten this awesome blog. Stay tuned for jaceface’s Battle of the Anti-Starlets.

I don’t know about you, but I was promised spring. Maybe I’m just used to spring in the Southwest, which means sunshine every day and temperatures in the 80s or so. It’s still rainy and cold here in NYC. Nice days only manage to show up when I have to work inside all day. But today’s a double-whammy of Wednesday and gross weather and needs a good mellow soundtrack, so enjoy!


This Actually Sounds Pretty Great

March 30, 2009


The NYTimes reveals today that Green Day’s album “American Idiot” is going to premiere as a musical in Berkeley, CA this September. (more…)

Who’s not a sucker for genius little kids?

March 23, 2009

That’s Entertainment

March 23, 2009

Britney’s Circus Tour: Bittersweet

March 19, 2009


This past weekend, I was Lucky enough (song pun #1) to attend the Britney Spears concert at the Prudential Center in the ever classy Newark, NJ.

Now, my relationship with Britney is more complex than most other people’s, I’m sure. I started off hating her. In my youthful angst, I couldn’t stand the message she sent to young girls- that being pretty and having boyfriends are what you should strive for. I even tried to hide my sisters’ Britney CDs from them.

Then my fascination with Pop Culture began to grow. (more…)

Don’t See This Movie

March 13, 2009


I’m all for freedom of speech. I’m all for self-expression and artistic vision and I think it’s great that people can say whatever they want. This, however, makes me feel like all those privileges are being spat on. Don’t go see this movie. The Last House on the Left, a remake of a 1970s thriller (that I had the misfortune of sitting through half of before it made me feel physically ill and I had to turn it off), is about a trio of killers who brutally murder and rape two young girls then end up taking refugee in one of their parent’s homes.

And it features some incredibly graphic rape and murder scenes.

This brings up countless issues about the way the media portrays women and the depravity it encourages, and how it can add unnecessary danger and challenges to our lives (debate it all you want, it’s true). The article and ensuing discussion here on Jezebel can do this more justice than I can.  It’s unbelieveable that hundreds of people and millions of dollars went to something like this. Just don’t go see it. Don’t spend money on it. Don’t download it illegally. Tell people not to see it. For me, ok? Thanks.

Song of the Day

March 9, 2009

Oh man, remember Placebo?? It’s some solid Brit-rock from the late 90s. They’ve done alright for themselves, showing up in movies (Cruel Intentions, ohhh yeahhh) and TV shows.

“Running Up That Hill” – originally done by Kate Bush, but a great cover here.


And side note, I wiki-ed them and found this great anecdote:

“There was a bit of controversy while the band was on their promotional South American Tour. As revealed on the Once More With Feeling DVD Extras, whilst on tour in South America, Placebo and Limp Bizkit played on the same evening. Trouble occurred when Placebo’s manager would not let Fred Durst on stage as he did not recognize him and thought he was simply a fan trying to get an autograph. After eventually getting on stage, Durst began the chant “Placebo sucks”. Placebo roadie Adam Okrasinski was later charged with aggravated battery when he allegedly punched a member of Durst’s entourage in an altercation that took place after the show between members of both band’s camps. Charges were later dropped in lieu of community service.”

Ha ha ha.

Song of the Day

March 4, 2009

Another song that’s relatively new, so there’s no accompanying youtube video.

You totally know the Von Bondies. No, I swear you do. That “C’mon C’mon” song, you know? It’s the theme song for that Denis Leary show, ‘Rescue Me,’ and I could have sworn it was on a million different other TV shows, but Google isn’t uncovering the answers.

ANYWAYS, that was from their 2004 release, and today’s song is from their new album ‘Love, Hate, and Then There’s You’ which came out in February. You can listen to the song ‘This Is Our Perfect Crime” at this link, or it’s playing on their myspace, of course. It’s fun and catchy and just what you would expect to follow ‘C’mon C’mon.’

Whoa, unrelated sidenote. The song I was just listening to (not the Von Bondies at all) had the lyrics “come on come on” JUST as I was typing ‘C’mon C’mon.’ WEIRD COINCIDENCE.

Song of the Day

March 3, 2009

No youtube video for this, sadly. The Thermals have got a new album coming out on April 7th, and this is their first single, “Now We Can See.” 

They’re so happy-looking, right? Well, except for the guy on the left, I guess. There’s gotta be a pensive one in every band. 

Anyways, you can listen to the song here, or on the Kill Rock Stars website (that’s their label), or search it on Hype Machine…there are many options for you. But it’s a great song, so go listen to it, and get the “Oh-way-oh-a-whoa” part stuck in your head for five hours.

Song of the Day

March 2, 2009

Up to 7 inches reported in Central Park, taking twice as long on the subway, using a space heater for the very first time at work…happy snowstorm day! It’s been a four-year tradition of mine (for no good reason) to only listen to the Michigan album by Sufjan Stevens when it’s snowy outside, so…

“For the Widowless in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti” – Sufjan Stevens

Song of the Day

February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Johnny Cash!

“One” – Johnny Cash

Okay, so I know, out of all the Johnny Cash songs in the world, I pick a cover of a U2 song. Whatever, I’m sure you already know all of his songs by heart, so maybe you haven’t heard this one before. Plus, I really like his voice in the later years.

Song of the Day

February 25, 2009

In preparation for me seeing them live this weekend!

“Knife” – Grizzly Bear

It’s going to be an epically hipster concert, and I’m kind of excited. OurNamesRhyme’s friend Riley is coming into the city and he somehow got tickets for the Final Fantasy/Grizzly Bear concert on Saturday! I’m going to wear my sickest keffiyah, my sweetest shutter shades, and jeans so skinny I’ll have to paint them on.

…or I’ll be the one in the non-descript jeans and t-shirt. Whatevs.