Archive for February 2009

Smart People Listen to Sufjan

February 27, 2009

I stumbled on this chart that *apparently* has somehow interviewed many people to come to the conclusion that if you listen to Beethoven, you must have scored really high on your SATs. After the jump is the full table I found that charts SAT scores versus what you listen to. I found the table here, but that site doesn’t have a source and the website on the header of the table doesn’t work…


Song of the Day

February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Johnny Cash!

“One” – Johnny Cash

Okay, so I know, out of all the Johnny Cash songs in the world, I pick a cover of a U2 song. Whatever, I’m sure you already know all of his songs by heart, so maybe you haven’t heard this one before. Plus, I really like his voice in the later years.

Adam Pascal, Please, Just Stop….

February 26, 2009

When I was 15 I had a huge crush on Adam Pascal. This was during my Renthead phase, when I saw the show 3 times and listened to the soundtrack on repeat. Can you blame me? He is super, super dreamy. My crush lasted through his time in Aida, his performance in School of Rock.

And then he started performing in Rent, again. Then he did the Rent movie. Then he went back to Broadway’s Rent. Then did a Rent benefit concert. Then did Rent at NJPAC in Newark. And now, this . (more…)

Jane Fonda: Serious Actress

February 26, 2009

Jane Fonda

Apparently, somewhere out there, a large number of people regard Jane Fonda as a great dramatic talent. I was completely unaware of this. (more…)

Happy Thursday!

February 26, 2009

They might be re-re-making The Never Ending Story. It can get in line behind Alice In Wonderland and Labyrinth in my movies-that-scarred-me-as-a-child-and-will-be-remade-by-2010 cache.

Song of the Day

February 25, 2009

In preparation for me seeing them live this weekend!

“Knife” – Grizzly Bear

It’s going to be an epically hipster concert, and I’m kind of excited. OurNamesRhyme’s friend Riley is coming into the city and he somehow got tickets for the Final Fantasy/Grizzly Bear concert on Saturday! I’m going to wear my sickest keffiyah, my sweetest shutter shades, and jeans so skinny I’ll have to paint them on.

…or I’ll be the one in the non-descript jeans and t-shirt. Whatevs.

Song of the Day

February 24, 2009

The new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album is almost out! Hooray!

Link from Stereogum because the youtube video couldn’t be embedded (thanks, andrewcy)

“Zero” by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Hopefully you know them and love them already. If not, get excited for the album, coming out April 13th. It was produced by Dave Sitek, a killer member of TV on the Radio, and he’s also produced the two earlier YYY albums. Karen O is also a  kick-ass frontwoman, which isn’t always easy to find.


When All Hope Seems Lost

February 23, 2009

Dedicating so much time to the arts scene in NYC does have a pretty significant downside. A lot of it is terrible. Like, really, really bad. The ugly side of such a vibrant performance city can rear its head through a bad play, an overly political indie movie, a wannabe hipster band. And recently, I’ve had to endure the most depressing of all. The Scene Night. (more…)

I don’t know what to do with this…

February 23, 2009

To start, I don’t like superbands. I don’t know why, but when former members of good bands join up to create another, for some reason I just never dig it.

But even I didn’t know what to feel about this…A supergroup involving


-JAMES IHA (from the Smashing Pumpkins)

-BUN E. CARLOS (drummer from Cheap Trick)


They call themselves Tinted Windows, which I guess is a better name than Audioslave, at least. You can check out their song “Kind of a Girl” here. My thoughts? If I were a happy-go-lucky high school junior who liked to hang out with my friends on the beach, I think this would really be my jam. But since I am not any of those things (but I do love beaches), I’m just strangely weirded out that I don’t mind it.

No Wonder Sean Penn Didn’t Thank Robin Wright Penn..

February 23, 2009


Oscar Nominee Cheating On His Wife


Song of the Day

February 23, 2009

Mondays deserve upbeat songs…

Matt & Kim – Daylight

Brooklyn represent! Matt and Kim apparently met at Pratt Institute, and their latest album Grand came out in January. Good stuff, and happy stuff!

Thoughts on the Oscars…

February 22, 2009

Here’s our Oscars liveblog! (more…)

Before the results start rolling in…(and after)

February 22, 2009

Quickly! Our hopes for Academy Award winners (not necessarily who we think will actually win…)


Lessons Learned From This Year’s Best Picture Nominees

February 22, 2009


It was a total of: 13 hours, 3 bags of popcorn, 4 sodas, 3 boxes of candy, 5 bathroom trips, and three seat changes, but ournamesrhyme saw every movie nominated for Best Picture in a row. It was all worth it. We saw some wonderful films and noticed some interesting trends. Movies still have the power to inspire, move, and teach.  Here’s a few lessons we learned from the BEST MOVIES OF THE YEAR.

It’s an Oscar BONANZA

February 21, 2009

Ournamesrhyme is up way too early on a Saturday. What would make us do such a crazy thing, you ask? MOVIES, of course. 

Unfortunately, we’ve encountered a huge problem over the last 6 months: no time to see Oscar Movies. At all. None. Except Tracy saw Slumdog. But that doesn’t really count, cause everyone and their grandmom saw Slumdog (oh it’s so heartwarming and clever how they use that Millionaire show! Look at the sweet Indian people!). Anyhoo, today that will be remedied for us, and for you.
