Posted tagged ‘nbc’

NBC Brings Us Holemdy Cheer

December 11, 2009

Holemdy= Holiday Comedy. I made that up myself. Thanks.

Warning: this is full of spoilers and obnoxiously long

You know, with all the conjecture and criticism surrounding NBC and its Comcast-bought future (may I direct you here and here for more information), last night’s Thursday Night Line-Up reminded me that despite low ratings and a lack of juggernaut TV like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance, NBC has some of the best writers, best actors, and best stories on TV.

Last night’s holiday episodes of Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office, and (to a lesser extent) 30 Rock delivered superb episodes in what have been consistently strong seasons. The Office and 30 Rock usually deliver great holiday episodes (Benihana Christmas, anyone?), so it’s nice to see the fledgling Community and Parks do the same.

Here are some something things I thought about them. (more…)

“I’m on a Boat”…LIVE

May 14, 2009

The Lonely Island performed live for the very first time (and hopefully not the last time) on Jimmy Fallon a few nights ago. (I can just picture them sitting around, planning the performance: “How about a guy walks back and forth in the back, holding up a big cardboard boat??”) NBC clearly is pulling out all the stops to get the best guests on the Jimmy Fallon show. Has anyone been actually watching the show? I’m just biding my time until Conan comes back on.

Anyways, it’s a great performance. Behold.

[clearspring_widget title=”The Lonely Island (5/12/09)” wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”4a0c486a131fffe3″ width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

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There’s Hope Yet!

May 4, 2009

NBC just posted a few previews of upcoming fall shows, and this one looks pretty damn good! Joel McHale, Donald Glover, and Chevy effin’ Chase? Kudos, casting department. I am looking forward to this!

[clearspring_widget title=”Community – Featurette” wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”49ff1d92746ae3c4″ width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

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A crowning achievement? A royal screw-up? A kingdom of monarchy-related puns?

March 23, 2009

Well, at least one of us has been posting pretty regularly on this blog. It hasn’t been me. But hey! A new show recently premiered! And I remembered to watch all of it!
