Posted tagged ‘in real life’

Well, this is topical…

October 12, 2009

Thanks to my ever-observant co-worker, some journalism scandal today. Bonus points for being British!

Guardian Prevented from Reporting on Parliament

“Today’s published Commons order papers contain a question to be answered by a minister later this week. The Guardian is prevented from identifying the MP who has asked the question, what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found.”

Scandal! Basically the Guardian can’t report on a question that’s going to be answered in some sort of hearing somewhere about something, thanks to a gag order from an unnamed company. I’ll be following this as it goes along, because you know everyone will be up in arms. Unless, of course, it’s just a big old publicity plug by The Guardian. I hope not.

And to tie this in to this blog, this whole news bit has eerily similar themes to my latest netflix rental, State of Play. THUMBS UP. Seriously, rent this. But be warned, there are two versions.

Not this version. No offense to Dame Mirren, Mr. Affleck, Mr. Crowe, etc. But this is just your standard movie remake.

Instead, make sure you get the highly acclaimed, tons-of-BAFTAs-winning, BBC miniseries.

It’s two discs, six episodes, and holy crap GREAT. And yup, that’s James McAvoy on the cover! Along with Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Underworld) and the wonderfully talented John Simms, (Life on Mars, Doctor Who). Also, David Morrissey is great as the burdened MP, and I spent a lot of time thinking that he was related to Morrissey of The Smiths (because of that distinctive forehead). Turns out he’s not.

But still, if you’re looking for some journalist/political/corporate intrigue that is incredibly well-acted, well-directed, well-written, well-produced, you can’t go wrong with State of Play. Trust me on this. Really.