an artistic interpretation of what weve been doing the past two months

an artistic interpretation of what we've been doing the past two months

Well, it’s been almost two months, now hasn’t it? And during one of the most exciting times of the year for TV lovers! Here’s a problem about being TV bloggers that I didn’t foresee:

We’re too busy watching TV to blog about TV!

Okay, we’re not watching TV 24/7, so yes, we probably could have dashed off a few entries in the past weeks, but so it goes.

Let’s recap awesome things we missed!

In no particular order of course…

Project Runway moved to Los Angeles (and Lifetime, thx Weinsteins!). So far the season’s been sort of blah, but it always takes awhile to weed out the pointless contestants and get down to the good and/or dramatic designing. Michael Kors and Nina Garcia need to invest in a frequent flyers program and get back to the judging line.

Glee has definitely been meeting expectations! Those expectations were set extremely high, too, so kudos. I’m sure you’ve read/heard ten million good reviews, so there’s nothing new to say.

This Jehovah’s Witness does not take shit. Our TV was tuned to the US Open for pretty much the entire time. Clijsters was great, Oudin was wonderful, and good old Roger Federer, what a class act!

Blah blah with your Kanye West memes. Personally, I think this was a little more awkward than Kanye/Swift. Also, this one didn’t look like it was set up by MTV.

Top Chef! It’s back! Great as ever! Expect a longer post about it in the future. I’m really loving the Cool Chef clique and I am gleefully looking forward to the day when Mike Isabella gets kicked the eff out. Also, my love for no-prisoners Tom Colicchio has grown exponentially and will do so every season.

Okay, blame jaceface. Blame her so much! We both now watch ‘The Big Bang Theory.’ Guess what, Jim Parsons is awesome (aka Sheldon Cooper, aka person on the right). Sure it gets mad sitcom-y and some of the stereotypes are really tired. But hey, Mondays are for light-hearted fun!

From jaceface: “His eyes — how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!” In a nutshell, we really, really, really enjoyed this night of television. Thanks, NPH!

MAD MEN has returned, and has gotten so much funnier (and more tragic, of course). I’ve gasped more than once this season.

So, yeah, it’s been a busy two months. More to come, more to come! We’ll be a little more prolific. Now back to watching Flash Foward!

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